Foul ball! Being a blogger I get many pitches. Most want to post on my other blog, which I will not affiliate with this one for common sense reasons. Most are on the mark and others don’t have a clue but the one I just received wasn’t a request to post but a sales letter for me to join their stable of bloggers.
While I blog about four footed critters I only have two so why would I waste my time waiting for an assignment that more than likely would not be of interests to me? What pissed me off was the last line of the letter:If you are looking to earn additional monthly revenue then I strongly urge you to sign up with us. (Copied directly from the letter)
Really? You strongly urge me to do what you want. Not going to happen buddy. Curiosity isn’t limited to the cat so I decided to check out this stable for bloggers. What I found was an obnoxiously colored front page. Remember walking into kindergarten with all the primary colors on the wall, which is what their front page is like. Strike One!
While it was easy to maneuver around the site, it was the white lettering on the bright blue background that activated my motion sickness. Hadn’t anyone told them that this is a major no no? Strike Two!
The about us page was plain black and white and had pictures of the people running the site along with the claim: We’ve been named Best in Search by TopSEOs. Nice feather in your hat guys only problem that was last year according to the gif to your left. Ball One! How appropriate since it appears to be only men running the site.
The sign up page was simple and easy to read but wait that sales letter didn’t say anything about being an affiliate. 10% for referred advertisers and 5% for more fingers to fill your stable really? Ball Two!
Finally, I checked out the contact us page. Mainly to find out where they were located which was listed as Connecticut. They give you a phone number to call if you have any questions but it was this statement : You can also reach us during business hours that got me as it doesn’t say Eastern Standard Time. The phone number is at the top of the page and the address is at the bottom. In the hustle and bustle of our time-constricted day, not many would scroll the few extra centimeters to see the address. Strike Three!
I guess I should say that my screen is attached to a notebook computer so maybe the address show on a bigger screen.