August 26, 2013

Hey Ladies!!! Really? Why?

Why the heck would I want to buy a cereal that calls out to me just so I can watch animated swirled squares snack on one another? There is nothing cute, sexy, tempting, or even sweet about this commercial.

It makes me bite my tongue every time it comes on, as my significant other is so tired of me complaining about this commercial. It isn’t funny either and I have a real problem with a cereal that we know is really being marketed to kids with the level of violence in this commercial and yet we wonder why our kids have no moral compasses anymore.

One thing is for sure I would have never bought this cereal for my son when he was little if this had been the advertising.

We badmouth a commercial because there is an interracial family being shown. Who cares! Interracial families are normal anymore. Now if this had been the 60’s or early 70’s then yeah I can see the stupidity coming out of people’s mouths.

We’ve nixed the “Mikey likes it” commercial because who knows why other than it was a plain and simple statement.

But it is okay to have someone yell out “Hey Ladies!” so we can watch said animated squares now race around an empty bowl to chomp on one another? What are these ad designers smoking? Because it sure has killed most of their collective brain cells if they think this type of ad is amusing.

I wonder how many little girls have woken up from nightmares of gigantic brown squares chasing them with those huge teeth.

How many kids think it is all right to bite someone because those squares do it all the time and they don’t get into trouble?

Maybe if enough of us write to the company that makes this cereal and tell them how offensive this ad is to us they will take another look at how they are marketing their sugar coated cardboard squares.

I know I won’t be buying this cereal anytime soon because of these cannibalistic little critters.


So what commercial do you find irritating?

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