I am still trying to be in denial about what happened today (Wednesday August 21, 2013). First off, it isn’t just young people who are rude, over demanding, selfish. The reason I say this is today I was at home relaxing before I had to go to work. I work in a small town post office.
When I hear this soft voice saying “Hello, Hello” at first I thought it was the television only to realize that this voice had nothing to do with the show I watching so I get up and it is one of the town residents wanting me to go to the Post Office to open our new package locker so she could get a package she had to have immediately because it was medication she had to have.
I am sure I just blinked at her before grabbing my keys I mean I had to go to work in ½ hour what would it hurt to go early then I could walk down to the store and get something before clocking in for my shift. Yeah on the ride up, she told me that she had gone to my boss’s house first and was upset that she didn’t drop what she was doing to come help her. Later I found out she was giving her large dogs baths. Sorry I wouldn’t of interrupted that either.
After getting the package door open and giving her the package I received a single thank you and then was informed that this medication was for cholesterol granted you aren’t suppose to skip it but one night would not have killed her.
So I close the locker up and try to get the master key out only to have it stuck now I am fighting to get the key that opens up the collection box that I have to scan at 4pm out of this lock. I try everything you can think of short of breaking the key. So I call the head boss and tell him what I’ve done only to be told by him to do exactly what I just finished telling him I did. Lots of help there.
Finally, my boss calls to see if I was nice and got the package out of the locker. I tell her what is happening and she walks me through where there might be a spare key. Thankfully, there is one so I can stay on time with my scans. Once that part of my job is done, I go back to working on getting the other key out of the lock. Now mind you four men come in, walk by me to get their mail, and don’t even offer a suggestion on how to proceed. Finally, this wonderful woman comes in and not only gives me suggestions she takes a look and sees what the problem might be. Coat hanger to the rescue I didn’t even know they still made reset pin locks. I wish I had gotten her name or her box # so we could leave her a lovely thank you note.
I am still in disbelief that someone would come to my house because of where I work so I can do something. It would have been one thing if she had been waiting for me at the post office. Karma decided that she needed a lesson as this same woman that had to have her unskipable meds was too busy to notice that she had left her keys in her mailbox.
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DisclaimerLocation, Names, if listed have been changed to protect the stupid, ignorant, or brain dead. This really happened to me and this is my view on the subject.